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Terms & Conditions 

  1. Pricing Policy

ACS Industrial Services/Industrial Fitness make every effort to ensure that the pricing and other information displayed on this website is correct and up to date. However, if an error in the pricing of a product or any other error is found ACS Industrial Services/ Industrial Fitness cannot be held responsible. The user acknowledges that information, products and services on this website may include errors or inaccuracies.


Postage & Packaging

Postage and packaging costs to the mainland UK is shown in the Delivery page. 


Full payment for the Industrial Fitness goods must be received before your order can be accepted unless you choose to pay in installments. Once the inital payment has been received a confirmation of your order will be sent by email to the email address provided by yourself. Our acceptance of your order brings into existence a legally binding contract between us. Please check this confirmation email carefully and notify us immediately by email if there are any errors. Please submit these details as soon as possible.

We reserve the right to cancel the contract between us if:

– we have insufficient stock

– we cannot deliver to your area

– there are adverse circumstances outside our control

– one or more of the goods you ordered was listed at an incorrect price due to a typographical error or an error in the pricing information received by us from our suppliers.

If we have to cancel your contract we will notify you by email and will re-credit to your account any sum deducted by us from your credit card within 30 days of your order. We will not be obliged to offer any compensation for any disappointment suffered.

Refunds & Exchanges

If you wish to exchange or return any items then you can cancel your order within 14 days of delivery to arrange a full refund or an exchange (to same value). The items will need to be returned within 14 days of notifying us. We will require a receipt to prove your purchase.

You will need to return the item(s) unused and with original packaging to: ACS Industrial Services, Unit 28 Crynant Business Park, Crynant, Neath, South Wales,SA10 8PX

We would appreciate it if you could give us a reason for your return to enable us to monitor customer satisfaction. We recommend that you ask for a receipt from Royal Mail as proof of posting as we cannot be held responsible if the item is lost in transit.

Once you have notified us that you are cancelling your contract, any sum debited to us from your credit card or Paypal account will be credited to your account within 30 days of your order provided that the goods are received by us in the condition they were in when delivered to you. If you do not return the goods or do not pay the costs of delivery, we shall be entitled to deduct the direct costs of recovering the goods from the amount to be re-credited to you.

Customer Details

We never sell or pass on our customer details. In addition we do not store customers’ credit card details. If you pay online then your payment will be processed by secure encrypted systems which means that we never even see your credit or debit card details.


This website, like other online stores, uses cookies to gather anonymous statistics about how visitors use the site and to store browsing information which enables you to use our shopping cart and checkout. By using our website you agree that we can place cookies on your device e.g. computer, tablet, etc.. If you would prefer not to have cookies placed on your device then you can change your settings under the Internet Options or settings of your browser. However this may mean that our website and others that you visit will not perform properly.

Liability Disclaimer

The entire liability of Industrial Fitness for any claim shall not exceed the price of the products or services supplied by ACS Industrial Fitness .Every effort has been made to ensure that this website is free from any computer viruses or similar. However ACS Industrial Services or their agents cannot be held responsible for any damage or loss incurred by using this website.

In no event will Industrial Fitness, their employees, contractors, suppliers, agents, affiliates, website designer, web host or assigns be liable to ANY party for any indirect or direct or consequential or incidental costs arising out of or in connection with this agreement, web content or website links.

Third Party Links

ACS Industrial Services are not be responsible nor liable for your use of any other websites which may be accessed via links within this website. ACS Industrial Services is not responsible for their content. Any such links are provided as a service to users of this website and their inclusion in this website does not constitute an endorsement by ACS Industrial Services.

Intellectual Property

The ACS Industrial Services website, logo, content, imagery and text cannot be copied or edited without our express prior written permission. All designs are protected by copyright.

Governing Law

These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law. Disputes arising in connection with these Terms and Conditions shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.

Correspondence address:

ACS Industrial Services/Industrial Fitness 
Unit 28 Crynant Business Park,
Neath, South Wales,
SA10 8PX


Industrial Fitness

ACS Industrial & Mechanical Engineering Services Ltd

Company Number 08637853 Registered in England & Wales

VAT Registration Number 167 3957 64


All installation prices quoted on our website are for ground floor installations within 100 miles round trip from our Head Office (postcode SA10 8PX). If your installation address is further than this, we will contact you prior to processing payment if the charge is more than the figure stated. If you require further information, please contact us on 01639 750100 for a cost prior to ordering. We regret we are unable to accommodate installations to offshore postcodes.

If you require installation on a product/products from our website, the time between order and installation may be longer than for that of delivery only. Our guidelines are advertised on the top of the Install Access Form and will commence from the first working day (Monday to Friday only excluding bank holidays) after we receive the completed form (no installation will take place until we have received this important document). We will always try to arrive on time, but will not be held responsible for late arrival due to unforeseen circumstances.

It is imperative that the space for the product(s) has been cleared and that access is unrestricted. If the installer is unable to commence work due to the area not being cleared or access not being available at the agreed time, Industrial Fitness reserves the right to charge £25 for every half hour the installation engineer is unable to start work. We must be informed at the time of placing the order where the product(s) are to be installed. All prices quoted are for ground floor installations in the main building of the property or a garage at the side of the main part of the building. Installations above or below ground floor or outside the main building (i.e. in an outhouse, etc.), may be subject to surcharge, especially if not mentioned at the time of order.

Walls must be deemed structurally safe by a competent persons prior to installation, Industrial Fitness will take no responsibility to any damage caused due to poor wall quality.

Industrial Fitness are within their rights to refuse any installation if the installer deems the installation location or access point to be hazardous, or the request unreasonable. If the product does not fit into the area where the installation is requested and a representative of Industrial Fitness did not measure the area, then Industrial Fitness cannot be held responsible. Therefore, the customer will incur the cost of the visit. Agreed installation times must be adhered to.

Adequate parking/vehicle access must be provided by the customer. Any charges incurred by the installer for parking will be chargeable. If the installation time is extended due to inadequate parking/access then the extra time will also be chargeable at £50 per hour.

 Repaired Item(s)

All returned items will be on a delivery only basis, no installation will be carried out unless agreed by Industrial Fitness prior to delivery.

Delivery Information

Due to the size of some delivery vehicles, Industrial Fitness or any carriers delivering on behalf of us must be informed of any restrictions regarding access for the delivering vehicles and access to the property. This includes but is not limited to: steps (including those that require climbing to gain access to the property entrance), any overhanging/low trees/shrubs, steep driveways, narrow lanes, tight bends or any other restrictions that may make it difficult for the delivering vehicle to gain access to the point of delivery. Industrial Fitness will not accept any claims for compensation arising from non/failed/refused delivery of any item where the carriers or we were not made aware of any points regarding access restrictions. In the event that the item is refused/cancelled due to these restrictions, the customer is liable for all carriage charges. Orders under 20KG may be left at an access point by our appointed carriers should the initial delivery attempt fail.

Legal and data protection

When adding Klarna Payments to your site, you need to consider

Data protection and data sharing aspects

T&C information

Please seek legal advice to ensure compliance with applicable regulations.

Customer Data Sharing

National and EU rules such as the GDPR sets certain limits to how and when you may share customer-identifying information with Klarna.

If you share personal data with Klarna you need to explain this in your privacy notice and link to

Klarna’s privacy notice

there. Below is an example of what that could look like in your existing privacy notice (the specific data categories transferred to be added, and text to be translated into your local language):

Draft privacy notice text (all markets except Switzerland)

“In order to offer you Klarna’s payment methods, we might in the checkout pass your personal data in the form of contact and order details to Klarna, in order for Klarna to assess whether you qualify for their payment methods and to tailor those payment methods for you. Your personal data transferred is processed in line with

Klarna’s own privacy notice


Draft privacy notice text (Switzerland only)

In Switzerland, Klarna offers its services together with its subsidiary Billpay. If you share personal data with Klarna and Billpay you need to explain this in your privacy notice and link to Klarna’s and Billpay’s local privacy notices there. Below is an example of what that could look like in your existing privacy notice (the specific data categories transferred to be added, and text to be translated into your local language):

Billpay’s/Klarna’s payment options: In order to be able to offer you Klarna’s payment options and to assess whether you qualify for their payment options and to tailor the payment options for you, we might in the checkout pass your personal data in the form of contact and order details to Klarna and Billpay. Your personal data is handled in accordance with applicable data protection law and in accordance with the information in Klarna’s (








versions) and Billpay’s (








versions) privacy notices.

Terms and conditions

Ensure that your terms and conditions reflect your cooperation with Klarna, and that you comply with applicable laws.

Presentation considerations (SE)

Så påverkas du av den nya kreditlagen

Sveriges riksdag har tidigare i år beslutat om en ny kreditlag. Den innebär i korthet att om det finns både ett kredit- och ett direktbetalningsalternativ i kassan så får inte kreditalternativet visas först eller redan vara ifyllt. Lagen träder i kraft den första juli 2020.

Här är vad du behöver veta om du har följande betalnings- och kassalternativ:

Klarna Checkout (KCO): Du behöver inte vidta några åtgärder.

Klarna kommer att hantera förändringen och se till att ett direktbetalningsalternativ visas först om ett sådant finns.

Klarna Payments (KP) utan något direktbetalningsalternativ. Du behöver inte vidta några åtgärder.

Du måste bara se till att ett direktbetalningsalternativ är det första alternativet om du erbjuder det som betalningsmetod.

Klarna Payment (KP) med ett direktbetalningsalternativ: Du måste vidta åtgärder.

Som e-handlare med Klarna Payment (KP) har du kontroll över ordningen på betalningsmetoderna som du har i din kassa och kommer därför att behöva vidta åtgärder för att följa den nya lagen.

Fortsätt läsa för mer information om hur KCO kommer att presenteras och vilka åtgärder vi rekommenderar för dig som har KP med direktbetalningsalternativ.

Vad den nya lagen innebär

Den nya kreditlagen som Sveriges riksdag har antagit (

Regeringens proposition

) kommer att träda i kraft den första juli 2020 och kommer endast att tillämpas i Sverige. Lagen ställer krav på hur olika betalningsmetoder presenteras i kassan, och den tvingar e-handlare att visa ett direktbetalningsalternativ före kreditalternativ, om båda alternativen finns tillgängliga i kassan.

Skyldigheterna i den nya lagen gäller alla parter som presenterar eller behandlar betalningsmetoder. Detta inkluderar: e-handlare, partners och betalningstjänstleverantörer (PSP) såsom banker. För att kunna navigera i ändringarna har vi skapat riktlinjer för att hjälpa våra e-handlare och partners att anpassa sig så att de nya lagliga kraven uppfylls.

Hur betalmetoder måste sorteras om du har direktbetalningsalternativ

Hur betalmetoder måste sorteras om du har direktbetalningsalternativ

Hur betalmetoder måste sorteras om du inte har direktbetalningsalternativ

Hur betalmetoder måste sorteras om du inte har direktbetalningsalternativ

Vad innebär det här för mig som handlare?

Exakt hur du påverkas beror på vilka betalningsmetoder som du erbjuder och vilken kassalösning som du har valt. Den nya lagen kräver inte att en handlare måste erbjuda ett direktbetalningsalternativ, utan styr hur betalningsalternativen presenteras i kassan.

Nedan finns en översikt över Klarna betalningsmetoder, och hur de kategoriseras i termer av kredit- eller direktbetalningsalternativ.

Kategori Klarnas betalningsmetod Kredit- eller direktbetalning? Kan jag presentera det först om direktbetalningsalternativ finns?

Direktbetalning Direktbetalning Direktbetalning Ja

Direktbetalning Banköverföring Direktbetalning Ja

Direktbetalning Kort Kreditbetalning Nej

Få först, betala sen 14 dagarsfaktura Kreditbetalning Nej

Få först, betala sen Månadsfaktura Kreditbetalning Nej

Dela upp Klarna konto Kreditbetalning Nej

Dela upp Betala månadsvis i X månader Kreditbetalning Nej

Vad behöver jag förbereda?

Handlare med Klarna Checkout (KCO v2 & v3)

Ingen åtgärd behövs. Klarna kommer att uppdatera den nuvarande KCO-lösningen för den svenska marknaden och säkerställa att de nya lagkraven följs. Ni kommer att märka att direktbetalningsalternativ, såsom Direktbetalning (när tillgängligt), kommer att presenteras som det första betalningsalternativet i din kassa.

Handlare med Klarna Payments (KP)

Om ni erbjuder Klarna Payments i er kassa så kan inte Klarna kontrollera i vilken ordning betalningsalterntiven presenteras. Det innebär att det är den enskilda handlaren som är ensam ansvarig för att se till att er kassa är kompatibel och följer den nya lagstiftningen innan den träder i kraft (1 juli 2020).

Om ni har Klarna Payments (KP) och flertalet betalningsmetoder via Klarna inom samma modul så kommer Klarna att sortera dessa. Om det finns ett direktbetalningsalternativ så kommer det att presenteras först. Kreditalternativ som inkluderar ränta kommer alltid att att presenteras sist om det finns andra val tillgängliga. Om flera betalningssätt med Klarna är placerade i olika moduler kan Klarna ej kontrollera i vilken ordning de presenteras.

Klarna kommer att sluta stödja Klarna betalningsmetoder (KPM) från och med september 2020. Åtgärd rekommenderas.

Klarna kommer inte längre att stödja KPM från och med september 2020. För att få automatiska uppdateringar (inklusive juridisk efterlevnad) rekommenderar vi att alla handlare migrerar till Klarna Checkout (KCO) eller Klarna Payments (KP). Med KCO kommer Klarna att hantera sorteringen av betalningsmetoder åt dig. För att migrera till KCO kan du använda självbetjäningsflödet som finns tillgängligt i portalen för handlare (


). Prata gärna med din kontakt på Klarna för att få mer information om priser och hur du flyttar över till Klarna Checkout eller Klarna Payments.


New credit legislation – How you will be impacted

New legislation has been adopted by the Swedish Parliament stating that if both credit and debit payment options are offered by a merchant, the debit option(s) must be presented before the credit option(s) in the checkout. This law takes effect 1 July 2020.

Here’s what you need to know if you have the following payment & checkout options:

Klarna Checkout (KCO): No action required.

Klarna will take care of all the logic to ensure debit payment options are shown first.

Klarna Payments (KP) with no debit options: No action required.

You are only required to make sure a debit option is placed as the first option if you offer it as a payment method.

Klarna Payment (KP) with debit options: Action required.

As a merchant, you are in control of the order in which payment methods are organized inside your checkout and will need to take steps to comply with the new law.

Continue reading for more details on how KCO will be presented, and what actions we recommend if you have KP with debit options.

What the new law means

New legislation (

Regeringens proposition

) adopted by the Swedish Parliament will take effect on 1 July 2020, and will only be applicable to Sweden. The law sets requirements on the presentation of payment methods in online checkouts, enforcing debit payment options to be displayed before any credit payment options, if both are available.

Obligations in the new regulation apply to any parties who present or process payment methods. This includes: merchants, partners, and Payment Service Providers (PSP) like banks. To navigate the new changes, we’ve published guidelines, to help our merchants and partners to ensure compliance with the legal requirements.

How checkout payment methods must be organized/displayed if you offer debit payment options as of 1 July, 2020

How checkout payment methods must be organized/displayed if you offer debit payment options as of 1 July, 2020

How checkout payment methods must be organized if you do not offer a debit option as of 1 July, 2020

How checkout payment methods must be organized if you do not offer a debit option as of 1 July, 2020

What does this mean for me as a merchant?

The impact for you as a merchant will depend on what payment methods you offer and what checkout solution you use. The new legislation does not require merchants to provide debit payment methods, but does regulate how to present them in an online checkout if you do.

Below is an overview of Klarna payment methods, and how each categorizes in terms of credit or debit options.

Category Klarna Payment method Credit or debit? Can be presented first if other debit options exist?

Pay now Direct debit Debit Yes

Pay now Bank transfer Debit Yes

Pay now Card Credit No

Pay later 14-day invoice Credit No

Pay later Monthly invoice Credit No

Financing Klarna account Credit No

Financing Pay monthly over X months Credit No

What do I need to do to be prepared?

Merchants with Klarna Checkout (KCO v2 & v3)

No action needed. Klarna will update the current KCO solution for the Swedish market to make sure that the new legal requirements are followed. You will notice that debit payment methods such as Direct Debit, (when available), will be presented as the first option in your checkout.

Merchants with Klarna Payments (KP)

If you offer Klarna Payments in your checkout, Klarna cannot control the order or logic in which the payment methods are presented. Therefore, as a merchant you are solely responsible to ensure your checkout is compliant and lawful according to the new legislation before it enters into force (1 July 2020).

If you have Klarna Payments (KP) and multiple Klarna payment methods within the same widget then we will manage the logic of sorting these. If a debit payment option exists then that will be displayed first. Credit payment methods that include interest rate will always be displayed as the last option if others exist. If the multiple Klarna payment methods are placed in different widgets then we cannot control in what order they will be sorted.

Klarna will discontinue support of Klarna Payment Methods (KPM) as of September 2020. Action recommended.

Klarna will no longer be supporting KPM as of September 2020. For automatic updates (including legal compliance), we recommend all merchants move to Klarna Checkout (KCO) or Klarna Payments (KP). With KCO, Klarna will handle the sorting of payment methods for you. To migrate to KCO, you can use the self service flow that is available in the merchants portal (


). Please reach out to your Klarna account manager to get more information about pricing and how to transfer to Klarna Checkout or Klarna Payments.

Copyright © 2005 – 2021 Klarna Bank AB (publ). All rights reserved.

Terms and conditions

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Part of the ACS Industrial & Mechanical Engineering Services Group 

Unit 28 
Crynant Business Park 
Sa10 8px

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